News — infographic
10 Things You Can Do About Climate Change
carbon footprint earth day eco-friendly products environmental angst environmentally friendly infographic natural solutions plant-based UN upcycle zero waste
What can I do about climate change is a question a lot people ask themselves. Well, the United Nations has a list of 10 things you can do about climate change. Here they are summarized below. Add your ideas to the comments. Reduce Energy Usage at Home Cutting down on your energy usage at home can greatly reduce your carbon footprint. You can achieve this by using LED light bulbs, energy-efficient appliances, and washing clothes with cold water. Additionally, consider insulating your home and replacing your fossil fuel-powered furnace with an electric heat pump to reduce CO2e emissions by up...
Stop Being Nucking Futs! Easy Nut Milk Recipe
almond milk Gaia Guy green products hemp infographic nut milk bag nut milk bags
Time to stop being nucking futs! You can read the labels and see that there are a lot of odd things in that store bought almond milk. Even the things you think should be good, like vitamins turn out to be synthetic and garbage. Here is a fun infographic with some almond milk facts and an easy nut milk recipe that only requires some nuts, a blender and Gaia Guy organic nut milk bags. Get your health on! You can purchase your very own organic nut milk bags on or Amazon US peeps might like to checkout there.
Nut Milk Bag Alternative Uses
Gaia Guy nut milk bags are great for all kinds of nut milks, but you may be surprised how versatile these organic strainers can be. I would love to hear how you are using your organic hemp and organic cotton nut milk bags, so please leave a comment. Here are 5 ways get more than almond milk from your nut milk bag. You can check out the infographic here so you can pin and share away! SPROUTS: Sprouting releases all the vitamins and minerals within a seed or nut and makes it more readily available. Super foods you can make at home....
The History of the Toothbrush Infographic
bamboo toothbrush environmentally friendly green products history infographic
Here is a toothbrush history infographic because who doesn't like a good visual. OK a decent visual that captures the salient points from the blog post 'A Brush With History'. What a great title for a toothbrush movie. The history of the toothbrush really does contain all the elements of a low-budget straight to youtube film. It's got a cute cold climate pig, a prisoner who turns into a tycoon and an eco-friendly avatar-like super hero (that may be a stretch) green products purveyor, who is trying to change the world one mouth at a time. Read below about how the story...