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An Attitude of Gratitude

forest bathing forest therapy preventive medicine

An Attitude of Gratitude

A gratitude journal is just a notebook that helps you take time to recognize and even celebrate the good things in (your) life. Even on the bleakest news day or when seemingly nothing is going your way that day this gratitude journal nudges you back to a reality where there is always something to feel grateful for.

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Benefits of a Whole-Foods Plant-Based Diet

almond milk environmentally friendly food is medicine how to sprout seeds natural solutions organic plant-based preventive medicine

Benefits of a Whole-Foods Plant-Based Diet

The biggest benefit of switching to a whole-foods, plant-based diet is just how easy and fast it is to prepare meals. 

Boil up some potatoes (or sweet potatoes), carrots, beets and pumpkin in a pot and make a tomato based sauce with herbs,

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Mircroplastics Cause Human Cell Death

eco-friendly products environmental angst microplastics plastic pollution zerowaste

Mircroplastics Cause Human Cell Death

Your suspicions and concerns about possible harm to humans caused by microplastics may just have been proven correct.

A recent paper entitled, "A rapid review and meta-regression analyses of the toxicological impacts of microplastic exposure in human cells" looked at 17 previous studies on the toxicological impacts of microplastics on human cell lines.

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Which diet is the cheapest, healthiest and most sustainable?

environmentally friendly food is medicine plant-based preventive medicine

Which diet is the cheapest, healthiest and most sustainable?

Which is the cheapest, healthiest and the most sustainable diet on planet earth?

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Open Source Sustainable Architecture

diy eco-friendly products environmentally friendly green business green products open source

Open Source Sustainable Architecture

Open Source sustainable architecture is desperately needed as the construction industry is a huge contributor to waste and carbon dioxide. Check out all these amazing open source building plans and designs.

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