Eco-friendly Products by Gaia Guy (And The Not-So-Secret Cure to Environmental Angst)

Eco-friendly Products by Gaia Guy (And The Not-So-Secret Cure to Environmental Angst)

cork yoga block nature quote

You’re here! So, you like eco-friendly products too, eh?

Sorry, ‘like’ doesn’t capture the sentiment, does it?

It’s more like deep desire to be mindful with our financial energy. We’ve heard that voting doesn’t change anything, unless it is voting with the omnipotent financial power.

You have seen the dollars going towards sustainable goods and organic- everything under the sun. Making it loads easier to find the best environmentally friendly products.

You can take your sustainable organic cotton shopping bag (also doubles as a nut milk bag) to your local farmer’s market and source some nutrient dense food.

Even the big shops carry more green products, which have varying levels of “feel-goodiness” about them.

We can probably agree that there are numerous companies doing a nice greenwash, rather than actually providing green goods. Sadly not all things are what they seem in the realm of ethical, sustainable, and organic product companies. However, this post will already be epic in length so perhaps a discussion for later.

The number of small startups like Gaia Guy, where you can buy eco-friendly products online are sprouting up like wheatgrass - it's encouraging. 

You can easily point out that it’s not a perfect or even a permanent solution. We aren’t all makers bartering goods and services in a gift economy.

However, we can’t expect to be as great as a giant sequoia overnight, can we? Let’s be sensible enough to stop and celebrate each atom moving in the direction of ecological awareness that we want to see.

Your Health and the Environment Aren’t Divisible.

The primary benefit is that in most cases this is better for your health and the environment. No surprise in that correlation. You can’t separate yourself from “the environment”. Do good for one and you do good for the other. Love a win-win.

Finally, an electoral system that makes a ripple in the mad sea of special interest groups and peddlers of toxic trinkets. This is some serious spare change you can believe in.

Despite these strides in the tide there can still arise that horrible feeling of disappointment, even disgust, at having to settle for a plastic doodad to get the job done.

It’s redundant at best and a waste of time, more specifically, to dwell or inform you on the absolute abysmal atrocities that go on daily. A scan of your facebook feed shows, yet another story of environmental genocide.

No, you don’t need to be reminded that the Great Pacific Garbage Patch (that massive gyre of plastic and truly evil microplastics) continues to grow as more non-biodegradable products are trashed.

You’re here to look for ways to better your life and live in harmony with the natural world and systems, right?

You might be saying, “Heck ya! I am always looking for the best ways to support my health and the planets” or words to that effect.

Or you may be saying, “I’m not out hugging trees or anything, but I get my veggies from the farmer’s market and try to use green products. That’s how I ended up here, so whatcha got?”

You could be here because your friend shared this bamboo toothbrush site with you and you’re saying, “Who's this Gaia Guy dude? I just want to brush my teeth with bamboo because I’m trying to go plastic free.” By the way, that friend totally rocks.

earth day is every day

Who’s This Gaia Guy Dude?

Ah well, since you brought me up (that doesn’t sound right, but let’s go with it) allow me to indulge briefly in a bit about this Gaia Guy dude.

Gaia Guy has a passion for living in step with nature and working with, rather than against it. Natural systems are the most resilient, robust and beyond sustainable model we have.

Gaia Guy (call me Ian in person or in emails too) has worked on a market garden that produced beautiful organic food for a farmer’s market and a CSA (Community Supported Agriculture).

Gaia Guy makes green smoothies with dandelion, stinging nettles, burdock root, purslane, chickweed, kale and a bit of soil in there from the freshly pulled carrots.

Gaia Guy did live in a cubicle for nearly 10 years. Along came an interest in (later growing to a passion for) organic food, permaculture, natural building, biomimicry, zero waste, living simply and regenerative enterprises.

Long road to go but it’s a path that isn’t a lonely one, as I once thought.  You’re still here, right? Phew. That’s good.

Encountering wonderful people like you sure helps. People who truly get that we only have one planet and one life, so let’s make it the healthiest, happiest and most alive we can.

Gaia Guy and You Come Together

On the ‘About’ page it tells of a burning need to remove the environmental angst of consumption. That cringe-worthy feeling when you have to sidestep your principles and buy something that you know will have harmful repercussions on our planet.

Despite putting it into your organic sustainable harvested bamboo shopping bag, you just don’t feel good about it.

Think about what you purchased in the last month. Was it:

  • a disposable product served up in a plastic cup with a plastic drinking straw?
  • needlessly over packaged?
  • made from potentially toxic materials like styrofoam packaged takeout?

Leave a comment below about a toxic and/or non-reusable product that you had to buy.   

It’s scary, incredible, appalling and so commonplace that most don’t even question the deviation from using renewable materials. A shift so far from the natural world that nearly everything we see, hear, taste, touch, and smell, is from some combination of chemical soup.

nature with nature quote

Kudos to you cob house or other natural building dwellers, who are reading this over a meal of foraged and homegrown organic produce. Even still, there can be a corner of your world too that niggles at your eco-conscience.

And that’s where Gaia Guy and you come together. We form a tribe of people who care for the earth, each other and return our surplus energies to those in a renewable and regenerative lush loop of life.

No, we don’t pretend that we have all the answers. Nor that we can find some silver bullet solution to the mess we’re living in. We don’t bury our heads in the sand either, or is it a Kardashian butt these days? I don’t watch a lot of TV.

We focus on small, yet scalable solutions. It’s not an all or nothing attitude. It’s incrementally incorporating more natural things in our lives that support life and our health. It’s celebrating life and being grateful for each other.

If Gaia Guy can provide you with a plastic toothbrush alternative by offering a natural bamboo toothbrush at a fair price, that’s great!

In turn, you help support your values and this eco-friendly passion-driven enterprise with your patronage.

Sounds like a beautiful and symbiotic self-sustaining ecosystem. One that can go on to reach more people like you. People, who are saying, “Yes, this is something I support, because it supports me, my principles and our planet.”

Again nobody is claiming perfection, but it’s a might bit better than chemical-laden, big corporatocracy that is running most things in our lives. We can’t exactly buy freedom from environmental angst, but you sure can lessen the strain by buying better.

Thank you for being here and supporting the eco-friendly products in our online shop.

1 comment


It is true that there are many toxic items I buy that I wish I did not have too. For instance, I now bring glass to replace the toxic styrofoam takeout containers (if I remember). Also, I bring a reusable mug when I buy coffee. Love the bamboo toothbrush option Gaia Guy provides. Looking forward to other products that you offer that are eco-friendly.

April 29, 2016 at 13:30pm

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