Earth Day Poem by Plastic-Free Products Purveyor Gaia Guy

earth day poem

An Earth Day poem is something to give you all that doesn't require shipping and a box. Though Gaia Guy certainly is still shipping good goods to meet your needs. Eco-friendly and sustainable solutions for your zero waste life. Please stop by the shop after and see some of Gaia Guy's plastic-free and biodegradable products


We all say we want a better planet.  

And fewer reasons to scream damn it!

Is that another piece of plastic? 

I used to think this stuff was fantastic. 

Things are not getting better, only more drastic. 

Isn’t there a way to consume without making me go spastic?

Where are the biodegradable and solutions that are sustainable? 

At Gaia Guy we make it a reality and not something unattainable. .

Stop by and see some ideas for your plastic-free zero waste ways. 

Positive and sustainable solutions mixed with good vibes, always.

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