How to Participate in Plastic Free July

How to Participate in Plastic Free July

participate in plastic free july

Well before we learn how to participate in Plastic Free July let's take a quick refresher on just what is plastic free July.

Plastic-Free July is a global movement to help educate people on the horrible impact plastic has on our world and to encourage people to refuse single-use plastics and other unnecessary plastics by making simple swaps.

For example, ditching their plastic toothbrush for a fully compostable bamboo and boar hair toothbrush.

When you decide to be part of the solution and take part in Plastic Free July you are choosing to keep tracking of your purchasing habits and to keep the zero waste mantra in your mind everyday.

What is the zero waste mantra? Well it is like all those Rs you learned about which you can see in this blog post.

Does this even have an impact if I take the Plastic Free July Challenge? 

Yes! The zero waste movement has inspired over 100 million sustainable souls in 190 countries so collectively this makes a massive difference. 

plastic free july

The best part is that you don't have to stop once August rolls around. Keep up with your new plastic-free habits and the impact is again amplified.

Here is a some examples of what the Plastic-free Pledge looks like. Source

Plastic Free July Pledge

    • A
    • 1 Week

Thank you all for taking the challenge for one day, one week, one more of for life. Also a huge thank you to all of you for making sustainable swaps and for supporting Gaia Guy and the high quality plastic-free products we offer.

@gaiaguy Simple, sustainable swaps are so satisfying! . . . #microplastics #plasticpollution #plasticfree #zerowasteliving #plastic #zerowaste #microplastic ♬ original sound gaiaguy

1 comment


This is a great initiative. 👏

September 14, 2022 at 09:18am

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