At some point you'll be wondering how to upcycle sunglass lenses or at least recycle them. Well here are some inspiring ideas that are all totally Pinterest worthy crafts.
Gaia Guy bamboo sunglasses should last you a long, long, long time. All of it is zero waste and totally biodegradable form the bamboo sunglasses case to the organic cotton sunglasses pouch.
What about those UV 400 polarized lenses? Well, these are a kind of plastic and that means either recycle or upcycle. I came across some nifty ways to upcycle your lenses and not just from your Gaia Guy bamboo sunglasses (buy direct from Amazon) either.
Check out all these amazing ideas of how you can turn optical lenses and glasses into art and more! Share this one, because you know some crafty people that are going to go around their neighborhood and probably divert a massive number of glasses from the landfill.
The picture above came from Swell Designer on Flickr. How awesome is that idea? You can also make pendants and other cool jewelry from recycled optical lenses.
Artist David Datuna recycles optical lenses to create some really eye-catching (ha!) pieces that you have to stare and marvel at.
The flags from recycled optical lenses is amazing, but Marilyn Monroe is stunning.
Of course you also have to give it up for the classic Audrey Hepburn made from lenses.
Martin Luther King is incredible too! Check out how real this looks and remember the medium used to create this is just lenses from old sunglasses and glasses. Wow!
Of course etsy has some stunning works too. Here is just one of many interesting jewelry made from optical lenses. Yay for creative recycling!
OK this is a minimalist and zero waste hipsters dream necklace. Ha! Seriously though this is just so cool. This is from errorezine
Here is one that is simply....gorgeous! This took some skill and can be found on Craft Gawker.
Of course you can save you old broken sunglasses and have them ready for your next homemade Halloween costume. Check out this super awesome idea from Flickr
Have a great idea? please leave a comment! Oh and get some Gaia Guy Bamboo sunglasses and start designing a better tomorrow... today!