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News — earth day

Human Urine + Sauerkraut Juice + Biochar = Free Fertilizer

diy earth day environmentally friendly natural solutions zerowaste

Human Urine + Sauerkraut Juice + Biochar = Free Fertilizer

Using human urine with biochar and sauerkraut juice ie lactobacillus is an incredible free plant fertilizer. Don't piss away this amazing resource!

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Let's Strip For Pollinators!

earth day environmentally friendly food forest natural solutions organic pollinators

Let's Strip For Pollinators!

I don't mean get down to your birthday suit when I say, "Let's Strip For Pollinators" of course. I mean let's not cut our lawns or at least not so excessively.

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The 8 R's of the Environment + 3 More

biodegradable earth day eco-friendly products environmental angst environmentally friendly natural solutions plastic pollution zerowaste

The 8 R's of the Environment + 3 More

Growing up you likely learnt the 3 R's of the environment. Reduce, reuse and recycle were great starting points, but that lists has grown to 8 R's (feel free to add more in the comments) 

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Wishcycling and the Problem With Plastic Recycling

biodegradable earth day eco-friendly products environmental angst environmentally friendly green products plastic pollution wishcycling

Wishcycling and the Problem With Plastic Recycling

What is wishcycling? 

“Wishcycling" the act of putting something in your recycling bin in the hope that someone, somewhere will figure out what to do with it along the way.

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Earth Day Poem by Plastic-Free Products Purveyor Gaia Guy

earth day zero waste

Earth Day Poem by Plastic-Free Products Purveyor Gaia Guy

An Earth Day poem is something to give you all that doesn't require shipping and a box. Though Gaia Guy certainly is still shipping good goods to meet your needs. Eco-friendly and sustainable solutions for your zero waste life. Please stop by the shop after and see some of Gaia Guy's plastic-free and biodegradable products.    We all say we want a better planet.   And fewer reasons to scream damn it! Is that another piece of plastic?  I used to think this stuff was fantastic.  Things are not getting better, only more drastic.  Isn’t there a way to consume without making me...

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